Start at Carfax Tower (1) (Corners of Cornmarket Street, High Street, St. Aldate's, and Queen Street)
Walk up Cornmarket Street passing the oldest building in Oxford - theSaxon Tower of St Michael at the North Gate(2), continue onto Magdalen Street (Cornmarket turns into Magdalen) to the Martyr's Memorial (3).
Across the street, on Beaumont, you can see the Ashmolean Museum (4)
Come back down Magdalen, turn left onto Broad Street (see the Martyr's cross on the ground). Pass Balliol College (5) and Trinity College (6) on your left. Pass Blackwell's Bookstore (7) on your left. Pass the Sheldonian Theatre (8) and the Clarendon Building (9) on your right.
Make a right onto Catte Street, and a quick left onto New College Lane to see the Bridge of Sighs (10). Pass New College (11), and St. Edmund Hall (12) as you continue onto Queen's Lane. Turn right onto High Street, pass Queen's College (13) on your right. Pass St. Mary's Church (14) on your right. Turn right onto Catte Street and see All Soul's College (15) on your right. Go around the Radcliffe Camera (16), passing the Bodleian Library (17) on the way, and head back towards High Street, passing Brasenose College (18) on your right.
Go down Magpie Lane, turn left onto Merton Street, pass Merton College (19).
Continue on Merton Street to High Street, and make a right. Pass Magdalen College (20) on your left.
Across the street from Magdalen College are the Botanical Gardens (21). Turn onto Rose Lane, and follow the path by the river, turning onto Broad Walk, with the Christ Church Meadows now on your left.
Pass Christ Church (22) on your right.
Turn right onto St. Aldate's
Turn right onto Blue Boar Street, pass the Museum of Oxford (23).
Turn left onto Alfred Street, cross over High Street and go into the Covered Market (24).